JF Oakes COVID-19 Statement
At JF Oakes we take the health, safety and security of our employees, customers, communities, and business partners very seriously. We are proud to be a manufacturer and supplier to an industry deemed by The Department of Homeland Security as an ‘essential industry’ which will allow Pest Control companies to continue to work during the COVID-19 event. Knowing some of our products will be key in helping pest control companies provide essential services to protect our nation’s health and food supply, we have taken steps to secure extra product, packing and shipping supplies. We are committed to doing everything in our power to keep operations moving and products shipping.
In regard to COVID-19 virus spread, we’ve implemented advisories by the CDC to protect us and to help flatten the curve of this virus’ spread which threatens our health, our health care system and our economy: Social Distancing, Washing Hands, Disinfecting work surfaces & shipping tools, asking people to stay home if they know they have been exposed to COVID-19, and to stay home if they are not feeling well, running a fever… Links to the CDC are below for additional advisories.
We will continue to listen, learn and monitor the situation every day and we will be ready to implement measures to protect ourselves and our customers.
Our office hours are Monday – Friday 7:30 AM – 4:00PM Central time until further notice.
We have a new phone system in place. Should you experience any difficulty reaching us by phone, please email us at sales@jfoakes.com.
Be well, stay well, and God bless,
Jim & Brenda Oakes, Susan Oakes-Melton and our fantastic team:
In Yazoo City, MS: Stanley Swan, Debbie Horton, Cindy Fulton, Sandy Morgan, and Blanche Hester
Outside Yazoo City Office: Terri Turner
Our Sales Team: Mike Wiggin, Jeff Dean, & Art Guzman
Links to CDC Information
CDC: Coronavirus (COVID-19)
CDC: How to protect yourself
CDC: If you think you are sick
Mississippi Department of Health