Since the invention of rodent trapping devices mankind has tried all sorts of things to get the pests into them. Virtually anything edible has been used to get rats and mice caught in these devices. Jerky, candy, cheese, bread, cookies, fruit, to name a few, even peanut butter have all been used. These items, while effective, are not a professional choice and some such as peanut butter may have allergen concerns for people. What was always needed was a product that could be applied to rodent devices easily. One that could be carried with minimal storage or temperature concerns, easily deployed, non-toxic, plus have no allergens.

JF Oakes hit the mark with their original Pro Pest Professional Lure for Rats & Mice. The 32cc syringe packaging is convenient and easy to use. Product use is controlled, and it can be applied precisely to any trapping devices such as glue boards, spring traps, live traps, multicatch traps and others. The lure can even be used to help bring rodents into bait stations placing it inside but not on the bait material itself. The product was an innovation giving the professional a serious tool that could be used to make rodent control programs far more effective.

More recently, JF Oakes has greatly expanded the flavor options available for the rodent lure lineup. Along with the original flavor PMPs now have the option of bacon, fish, chocolate & peanut butter, and macadamia nut. This greatly enhances professional options while battling rodent populations. They can now be targeted with flavors more like the products they prefer to feed on in each situation. There will be far higher levels of success in dealing with rodents and improved client satisfaction.

So, what are the ways these Pro Pest Professional Lures for Rats and Mice can be used? The product is certainly great on a trap trigger to bring the target in and get the catch. But it’s also a way to gauge the pattern and distribution of the rodent population. Plus, it allows very trap shy rodents to be taken out of the game as well.

Take the example of a high-pressure rodent situation with multiple failures in control. Bait is not being consumed, trap sets are being avoided and the client is more than aggravated.

First, provide the client with focus. You are going to be assessing and evaluating the site. This is a partnership between the client and the PMP. The right questions get it started, for example “where was the last place you saw a rat “. Along with that remember the word assess has the letter s four times. Think of sightings (live or dead rodents), signs (droppings, gnawing, urine spatter), sounds (scampering, chewing), smells (waste scent, spoiled food, things attractive to a rodent, dead smells). In each case it’s where was the last place you saw, smelled, or heard something related to rodents. As your assessment & evaluation process proceeds the cues from the client will help you focus on the rodent’s true pattern.

Remember this is a tough situation where failure has occurred the rodents have been winning up to this point. Once rodent activity zones have been identified the pattern of distribution will begin to emerge. These animals have learned to avoid treacherous contact with human activity. They are survivors and exceptionally good at it. Toxic baits are not always a good option so trapping properly is a fine alternative adding a practical layer of intervention.

Starting with the most active zones add unset rat traps with a healthy dose of Pro Pest Rodent Attractant. Vary the flavors based on the feeding evidence you’ve noted in order to get the best read on the food preferences. Use these unset traps as tracking points noting the consumption of the Pro Pest and feeding preferences. Keep in mind these animals have been avoiding traps already so you’re establishing a new pattern for them with a tasty food source. This may not happen overnight, but the time spent will allow you to gain control and own their pattern.

Based on the situation and the establishment of active feeding on the unset traps begin the process of setting them. Daily visits may be required to empty and reset the devices, but this will reduce the population. The traps themselves with the Pro Pest will provide valuable clues as to the progress being made. Devices with dead rats but emptied of bait indicate live rats clearing off the traps around the bodies of the dead rodents. Once this activity starts to diminish and product is clearly left undisturbed control levels have increased. Continue the assessment and evaluation process with the client asking the right questions. You’ll see the pattern has changed to your advantage. The PMP now has control and further layers of intervention can be used if required. For example, glue boards in drop zones with a touch of Pro Pest to help increase the catch.

If the site has exterior bait stations the identified flavor preference of Pro Pest can be introduced into the devices but not in contact with the bait material. This will help draw animals inside and then there is a far greater chance they will feed on the toxic bait. An alternative would be exterior trapping stations, but they will require greater service frequency from the PMP. The new electronic monitoring devices in conjunction with the exterior trapping would provide a toxicant free solution if the client was so inclined. This would moderate the visits required and help make the service more efficient.

Bottom line the JF Oakes Pro Pest Professional Lures for Rats & Mice add a superb nontoxic product to the PMPs toolbox. Easy to store, easy to use, and an excellent set of options for attracting rodents. Far more effectiveness for the professional and far more satisfied clients.

Jeff McGovern

The Pest Coach